Does Taking a Shower Affect Your Natural Pheromones?

Pheromones are chemicals that enable a variety of social responses, one of which is attraction between members of the opposite sex. The release of these chemicals occurs through the skin, and so it is natural that showering too often will reduce or even block their effect.

If you’re considering using synthetic pheromones, read this Updated January 2024 article so you can increase your natural pheromone production and retention. Your natural pheromones can play an important role in augmenting the effects of any synthetic pheromones you may use. Here’s what you need to know about how a variety of habits can affect your pheromone levels.


Exercising Produces Pheromones

man lifting weights in gym

Exercising has a ton of benefits, one of them being increased testosterone levels, which are linked to increased production of pheromones. Your pheromones get an extra production boost when you perform weight-lifting exercises that work the large muscle groups.

Aside from this, exercising also helps you sweat, which spreads the natural chemicals over your body. When you shower, the newly created chemicals are washed away from your skin.

The Benefits Of A Sauna

Steam helps you in a number of ways. Aside from helping you sweat, which spreads pheromones all over your body, it also helps pheromones emerge. The steam will help clean and expand your pores, making it easier for these chemicals to come out on the skin. If you’ve just done an hour-long weight routine, consider jumping in the sauna to help your body absorb pheromones. As it was the case in the previous example, showering will wash away the newly formed pheromones, thus counteracting the effect of the sauna.

couple in pool

Don’t Stop Showering!

By no means is it suggested that you should just stop cleaning yourself out of fear of eliminating your natural pheromones. However, you should consider showering as little as possible, while still keeping proper hygiene.

Pay particular attention that you don’t fall in the opposite category, where body odor will interfere with the scent of the pheromones and produce the opposite effect from the one desired. This is highly dependent on the way each individual is built (for example, some people tend to sweat more than others).

Try to aim for one shower a day. Then, if some parts of your body need to be washed again, wash them individually. This will prevent stripping your entire body of its natural pheromones. If you find that you can’t go without showering only once, try to shower the second time with hot water only. This will eliminate the sweat and body odor, without taking away all of the pheromones that are present on the surface of your skin.


Stay Away from Strong Fragrances

Keep in mind even if you have managed to shower less (while still remaining clean) and thus letting your natural pheromones develop and remain on your skin longer. You still might not benefit from them if you’re a fan of strong colognes.

Just as body odor can act as an unpleasant distraction, strong fragrances can act as a distraction as well. When used too much they to can become unpleasant. Strong fragrances like cologne can overpower your pheromones and mask their effects. Try to use as little fragrance as possible in order to prevent this from happening.

Showering is crucial in maintaining proper hygiene and overall health. But it can have negative effects as well, particularly when it comes to pheromones. This is not to say that you should stop showering all together, but rather, to be more mindful of when you need to shower and when you don’t. In order to allow pheromones to work, you should start thinking about washing individual parts of the body when they need to be washed.

couple lying on bed

Exercising and sitting in a sauna will undoubtedly help with production of new pheromones. To avoid the unpleasant feeling of being sweaty, follow these activities with a hot-water shower only.

By simply managing your personal hygiene habits, you can make your natural pheromones more effective and thus increase the combined effect of natural and synthetic pheromones.